A New Mixed Media: My Journey & Evolution as an Artist as I Enter the Digital NFT Blockchain World

Andrea Furtick
6 min readNov 30, 2021

Superpower: A Dream Realized

From a small child, I was always fascinated by art. The colors….the shapes…the absolutely infinite world of creative possibilities; it was a glorious wonderland to me, and now as an adult — it still is.

So with that, an artist, I will always be.

After Just Finishing the Paintings from my 2nd Divination Deck: The Afro Goddess Oracle (2019)

For the record, I love a good project. In fact, I love sinking deeper and deeper into a concept so much that I’ve created a life’s work around one specific concept — The Fool’s Journey.

What’s that?

The Fool’s Journey is the evolutionary spiritual journey we all take, the end result of the board of circumstances we align our tokens of choice with, and also the unavoidable cycle of growth one must go through in efforts to truly arrive at one’s destiny. The Fool’s Journey is indeed the story of YOU.

So in efforts to visualize my studies of:

  • Spiritual Divination Cards & Systems
  • Ancestral & Spiritual Guidance/Interference
  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Concept of Willpower vs. Circumstance

I live the journey myself, study, process, apply, and then project through my work.

Paintings from my latest project, The Clear Vision Duo Deck System (2021)

Now, my work — even though always a product of the deepest seed of my hand and mind — has taken many forms over the years. I’ve indie-produced everything from one’s common apparel to collector’s coins and statuettes; however, each always starts from a blank canvas. And with each empty canvas transformed into a vision of my consciousness, I’m sure I undoubtedly bring a little more magic into the world while also simultaneously building a tribe centered on the legacy of both strength and resilience among thousands of melanated souls worldwide.


And with years of work both behind and in front of me, by my own hand…I am a REAL artist! (— But what is a real artist, anyway? Well… I see it like this: If within your lifetime you can create a path for yourself to truly breathe without effort after your demise, my dear — you’re a real artist. However, this is a totally different blog to be written…so I digress…)

My “Board Of Circumstances”

I remember when I started showing my work on Instagram in 2016. I had 533 followers. Today, through effort and dedication I am humbled to have 15.4K followers. Am I famous? Absolutely not. But am I proud of the impact I’ve had on the several thousand I‘ve so far been able to reach? You bet I am…and looking forward to reaching more!

However…Instagram has become an interesting place these days.

The more popular my account gets, the more it’s being duplicated. Within the last month, at least 4 times that I know of, my account has been duplicated and my customers subjected to scamming. Of course, I obviously reported it to Instagram, who told me each time, after their “review,” they’d do nothing.

Being an Indie Creator in The Wild-Wild West of Instagram :/

A nightmare. I find myself these days constantly explaining that I have one account and would never directly through personal message solicit a customer’s business. A few were scammed. A few were angry. A few understood and started to take watch.

But again Instagram has done nothing, so I guess I must. I must shift. I must reprogram.

My Tokens Of Choice

Evolution, being the road to destiny, is both inevitable and necessary.

So this is when circumstance and choice produce destiny. :)

I started to learn about NFTs and the benefits of minting them as an artist.

What is an NFT?

An NFT, properly called a Non-Fungible Token, is a token sold on the ethereum blockchain with a digital ledger of record.

For the buyer, they receive an authentic record of sale with the possibility of value increase; and for the artist, they receive undeniable credit and payment as well as the benefits of a blockchain for authentication and royalty purposes.

And after proving to now be an upcoming revolution to industries such as medicine, transportation, and real estate; I do see how this technology has the potential to revolutionize the art and creative world as well. To be left out, I will not be — as I believe the destiny of both token and circumstance has led me here.

A New Journey Within the Fool’s Journey

So what exactly am I to do in this Metaverse with my NFT(s) — physical turned digital — art?

Because I’ve spent my career building collections, to be presented with the opportunity to build a digital collection fascinates me. To deepen my journey…The Fool’s Journey…in every way deepens both me and my mission as a whole — so I was totally okay with diving into the waters of technology unknown. I had officially made the decision to be open to this change — wait…is that a digital art gallery?

Why yes, yes it is.

The Great Reprogramming Metaverse Gallery

And, after seeing digital art galleries start to pop up online, I unbiasedly realized how awesome (and popular) the NFT art world could really be, the deepened experience of resignation it could provide to my collectors, and the upgrade in security and longevity of certification it could hold for me as an artist. With that, I was in…all in.

The Great Reprogramming

My genesis collection…a compilation of melanated Goddess/God characters I’ve designed and painted over the years…digitalized.

8/28 of our NFT Goddesses, each carefully created over my career

Literally every lesson, visualized. Every occurrence of my internal, expressed in the external; but most ironically I bet it’s every experience of your external too.

That’s because — All is connected, all is YOU.

We are all the same, regardless of stature or circumstance. We all want to be loved, admired, and appreciated by someone. We all play the side games of love, pain, fear, and more — just in hopes to find a place unknown to us on a path with no map. We all live every single day hoping to see the next and to find as many moments of joy possible in between the present and one’s inevitable transition. We all are just trying to smile, see, do, and get to what’s NEXT.

So as the world reprograms, century after century — to get faster and more “efficient,” know these things, these all incompances — will always remain the same. Know we are all working to Reign Supreme of our own realities. Know we are all simply just on parallel, yet unique journies to evolve.

So with this collection, I have attached a sonnet for each vision…each feeling…each record of lesson.

In total, I believe these are the lessons of life; and in singularity, I believe each individual vision to hold the path to it’s conquering.

For change to take place, there must always be something constant; and even if the only constants be one’s faith and alliegances, know that is enough to spark both evolution and revolution — both in self and the world.

Welcome to The Great Reprogramming.

Link for The Great Reprogramming OnCyber Virtual Gallery Experience:

Link to Afro Goddess NFT Details/Sale Info on Opensea Marketplace:


Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and share!

